Wednesday 25 July 2018

Rat Man #dreamdiary 57

My latest job is a rat-catcher and my first venue is at my former employer’s warehouse. My old colleagues are gathered all around me who have all suddenly become experts in telling me how to do my current job. As I begin laying the traps I suddenly spot the rat gnawing through a box containing a wooden wardrobe. It’s as big as an adult human foot, and it’s all grey and woollen. I give chase and it weaves in and out of the stockroom shelving and jumps over people’s feet to the tune of Benny Hill while my former colleagues stand there bemused. I eventually procure a child’s fishing net and manage to trap it in the corridor. I now have two options. I can slide it up into a bag using a magazine as the sixth wall. Or I can take out my truncheon and splat it. I choose the latter and the room goes silent.

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