Tuesday 10 July 2018

Hey Dude

Matthew’s Street is full of bars; each enticing you in with free music and drink deals, but of course the one that stands out and does neither is the world-famous Cavern Club. Outside stands two burley bouncers who are quite friendly if you talk to them and they even took our picture outside the club. Inside is a very busy spiral staircase which carries down for three storeys until you hit rock bottom. The roof and walls are made entirely of brickwork and are in the classical shape of a sewer; with the exception that every brick is signed with someone’s name or a well-wisher. It’s only Tuesday afternoon and the place is rammed. We manage to share a table with a young couple and I head for the bar. Fortunately it’s speedy service and amazingly, they even serve real ale. We manage to get a view of the stage just past its left side for a view of a tribute member who’s played in New York. The whole pub is singing along to Hey Jude.

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