Friday 25 August 2017

The Postman's Pint

Dawn. For many, a new beginning; for others it’s the start of another drudge day. The cold feel of crawling out from underneath the duvet to begin the daily toil. There’s no traffic to blame as an excuse for an extra five minutes in bed. It’s time to fish out those shorts; get the kettle on; and grab a bite to eat before facing the frosty cold air outside. Then it’s into the dark for the even colder commute. You arrive; you punch in; and bleary-eyed; you start to sort through the rounds. At nine o clock; it’s time for a break and a bit of snap. A refreshing boost and something hot if you’re lucky. Then the day gets better as it’s time to depart. The quicker you deliver; the quicker you finish; or at least get some free time on your hands. And at noon; when everything is done; you can be first at the bar. And that, my friends, is the Postman’s Pint.

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