Tuesday 22 August 2017

Blackjack Flack Manor at the Picture House, Stafford

This pub was well worth visiting, and it’s a lot different from the usual high street Wetherspoons. From the inside, there’s an empty foyer with an old ticket booth in the centre but beyond that is the bar. The pub is divided into different levels, while a level of steps goes down alongside all of them to reach the bar; which sits where the screen would have been. I’d hate to work there; you’d always be on show and it would be difficult to see to the top of the pub! I was under starter’s orders off the bus so I was the first to plunge in. Being as it was the first stop of the tour, I plunged for a pint of Blackjack’s Flack Manor; a sweet porter with plenty of hops. Once served, I took in my surroundings of first edition movie posters displayed on the walls. Many thought it was too early to start on the booze and opted for hot beverages instead. Some of my closer companions opted for halves and we shared the beers on offer between us.

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