Wednesday 2 August 2017

The Post-Meal Breakfast

Everyone seemed quite keen on getting tanked up before heading off to the venue. I had a pint in a pub while I waited for the others to arrive. It was a shame that everyone decided that they all wanted to get tanked up; and it kind of ruined the evening towards the end. No-one acknowledged the fairground tickets that I procured; although I don’t think I put any money towards the taxi. And I got bored after the hottest girl only had their eyes on just one person. It takes a lot to get me drunk; especially when I’m somewhere where I’m not familiar. I still have my guard up. But at least there were bacon sandwiches to grab towards the end. Meanwhile, one of the others got too giddy; passed out and got took back to the hotel. Somehow they’d got a key to my room and splurged everywhere in the bathroom; leaving a great mess. He also left his phone in our room; which kept ringing constantly. As a result; I couldn’t have a shower in the morning; and I could still smell the stench on my clothes as I headed back home for breakfast. 

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