Thursday 3 August 2017

Scrappy Burger

This show barely gets things going. It’s another South Park-styled animation, and the episodes aren’t short enough to keep the jokes rolling in. There’s so many issues that they can tackle; yet like their characters they give up before the episode’s started. It touches on a few stereotypical issues such as the characters’ low-paid prospects; and there’s very little character development. Their narrative is often a little slow and is spoken without any enthusiasm. Occasionally they do make relevant political comments and devise their own actions; demonstrating that they have some intelligence. Then there’s the stereotypical hoarse old man who always stirs up trouble owing to their lack of understanding of the modern world. But their humour is typically British and their well-thought out puns may be just too intelligent for some. The score suits the series perfectly; it has a here-comes-trouble attitude; but as the series progresses it’s rare that a solution to each problem is found. But there’s so much potential for development here. 

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