Monday 14 August 2017


As I stand here on this podium; I see another bloodthirsty crowd before me. I’ve spent years toning my body to athletic perfection; but all they want is violence and punches. They don’t care about my speech; my years of elocution lessons and lifelong confidence building skills. All they want is another stunt off a motorbike and buildings turned into rubble. The more people that get hurt; the more thrilled they’ll be. But the whole show has gone perfectly. No-one has missed their lines; no-one has been in the wrong place at the wrong time; and everyone has done their bit to get the job done properly. And everyone has had a chance to see all the characters wherever they’re sitting in the arena. All that remains is to get them out of the arena so that we’ve got a chance to rest and reset the stage for the next show.

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