Saturday 12 August 2017

Jarvis Guides Us In

After a welcome from Jervis, we’re flown into the jungle where Loki is attempting to track a new source of power with his henchmen. Fortunately he’s interrupted by Shield agents who arrive in jeeps, but despite the fight scene Loki manages to get away with the new Tesseract. Then we head over to Stark towers who introduces the other Avengers. The dialogue is all done on headsets; though it’s unclear as to whether the characters actually speak or whether they’re voiced over in American accents on the sound system. Because of the size of the arena and the lighting, it’s hard to tell. There’s lots of motorbike stunts with people popping wheelies and riding ramps; as well as a lot of characters flying around on wires. The climax was the transformation of the Hulk; which was done with a lot of dry ice machines and a fabric costume. It was quite an exciting stunt show; and lasted as long as a regular movie; as well as having a proper interval.

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