Sunday 13 August 2017

Family Guy: Season 4

I bought this box set as a bargain from Amazon’s Prime Day; yet it’s clear from the first episode that the executive producers still weren’t sure whether this franchise would hold its own. Once again, there are plenty of cutaway references to TV shows that we just don’t understand to illustrate McFarlane’s point; but there’s plenty of classic family moments in this series; as each character battles their own demons. There’s many unlikely scenarios such as encountering celebrities; persuading the government; and smuggling people out of prison; but all could happen in corporate America; albeit to the same family. Apart from the giant chicken; there’s no storyline throughout the series and each episode stands on its own without change; allowing each wacky adventure to exist in its own right. We also see less of Stewie’s evil side; and more of his childhood. It’s all about trying to uphold the same values.

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