Tuesday 8 August 2017

Burton Bridge Burton Ale at the Weatheroak Taphouse, Studley

It’s quite off-putting when you just need a pint and you get told off by the locals for your appearance. Whatever happened to calling in for one on the way home? Perhaps they felt that their local had too many visitors that day. Nevertheless; I opted for the stranger beer on the bar since I was made to feel that way and the taste suited the atmosphere. It’s got a nice malty edge without being too smooth and sharp; which made it very refreshing. The pump clip is in the traditional Burton Bass colour; but I’m a bit miffed as to why they felt the need to put a Facebook-styled thumbs up on the front. Perhaps the brewery felt it necessary to let you know that the beer was OK; or maybe they just wanted more followers on social media. And nothing more was said about the stranger in the corner; quietly supping his pint while reading his magazine. I’ll just have to make sure that I do my make-up for him next time.

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