Tuesday 29 August 2017

Getting Served? #dreamdiary38

I’m staying in an apartment in London near a tube station. It’s a scorching Summer’s morning so I’ve left the window open. Suddenly; there’s loads of shouting coming from the station. I ignore it and prepare for my day’s travels. Unfortunately, the house’s wi-fi is very slow which is odd as I’m the only person who should be using it. On my way to the station, I log into the server and find out that the same person who’s been ranting their head off all morning has somehow hacked into the wifi. I head back into the apartment to turn off the modem; and once he discovers that he’s been disconnected, he looks up at the window in disgust. ‘Beat it’ I say, and he does. I return to the station and discover that my bag which I left in a corner of the station has gone. Frustrated, I board the train, realising only afterwards that it’s got my cash and travel documents in. As the ticket man approaches I manage to produce a mobile phone and many card receipts but not the ticket itself. I’m therefore charged £80 to get me to my destination; where I’ll have to buy another expensive ticket if I want to continue traveling for the rest of the week. Did I get served?

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