Wednesday 9 August 2017

Christmas Workout

I’ve always tried to get into the habit of doing an early workout at the gym. If I’m awake early enough, the plan is to leap out of bed and have breakfast with a cup of tea, then brush my teeth and let the dust settle for an hour. Then if I’m lucky, I can be at the gym for when it opens to do a workout. After that I have plenty of time to come back home and have a shower before work in the afternoon. I could always go later and shower in the gym then go straight to work afterwards, but I always seem to be in a rush when I attempt this; and it usually leaves me feeling knackered as there’s no chance for a rest. But lately, I’ve been trying to catch up with my gym shifts. I tend to reach for the i-Pad as soon as I’m awake to see what I’ve missed during the night. Or I get distracted on the computer while I’m waiting for my breakfast to settle. It’s a constant battle.

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