Saturday 19 August 2017

Nagging Networks

Mum fancied a smartphone to keep in touch with everyone for free; providing she’s got internet access. She didn’t want anything too expensive or too big, and her brother recommended an Alcatel phone. It’s the cheapest of the cheap. So it came and we began to set it up but the first thing we had to do was to change the SIM card. Mum’s had a candy bar phone for ages and wanted to keep her number; but she also had to change networks as Orange has now become EE. So we had to get her number exchanged onto a microSIM and the only way we could do that was by phone. My phone, that is to avoid the expense of calls. So after chatting on the internet to the EE team; I rang them up on a Thursday afternoon and once I got through to the right department; I carefully explained what we wanted to do. We didn’t want a contract as Mum’s never paid over £30 a year for a phone. Four days later, we got the SIM update to say all was up and running.

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