Wednesday 30 August 2017

Now You See It

The man in red has the magical ability to make things disappear; namely drinks. But he’s a researcher. He often likes to do things his own way and go off-road to tread the untrodden; though he’s more likely to post his location rather than his opinion. So often he likes to make himself disappear; whether it’s racing off on his own agenda or hanging back until the last possible moment. But when he needs help, he’s happy to hide away behind the backs of others; if only to save his hide from the raging bull in the field. He’s also a realist who’s soft-spoken and always has energy for the next adventure, meaning that he’s just as likely to pop up anywhere as he is to disappear. But most amazingly, he’s always up for tasting the strongest beer; so long as it’s in half form. But you best drink it quick before he makes it disappear…

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