Thursday 10 August 2017

Avengers Live

A couple of friends of mine got together one afternoon during the Christmas break to take in the delights of Birmingham. The highlight of our visit was to see Avengers: Live!; a live action stage show featuring stunts; combat scenes and action galore. We had a bit of trouble getting to the booth as we had to figure out which lifts to take as one of my friends was in a wheelchair. After getting as far as the Sealife Centre, we backtracked to a lift that was controlled by a security guard whose attention we had to attract by waving at a camera. But once we got through; we got our tickets and headed in where a friendly steward escorted us to our seats. Unfortunately we couldn’t get seats together as there were no spare chairs available in the wheelchair zone; but luckily my friend got seated directly in front of us so that we were able to enjoy the show together.

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