Tuesday 1 August 2017

Sinking Ship #dreamdiary35

It’s charity fundraising season, and we’ve decided to raise funds by sailing a boat alongside the coast of Wales. We spend Friday night traveling down and once we’ve arrived it’s far too late to set up and board so we find a pub and treat ourselves to a couple of beers. The next morning we’re all due to work before setting sail; so we rush in and we run out of time to report to our friend about the leak in the boat. We set off in the afternoon, and by early evening we find ourselves in a canal as we’ve decided to take a shortcut. We’re passing through a student town and we decide to moor up to get some fish and chips. Unfortunately, the hole seems to be getting wider. I’m wondering what we could have done and the only thing that I think that we could have done is to ask my friend to cut a board to plug the leak. While I’m thinking when to ask out a girl I just met, the boat starts to sink, and my wallet falls out of my pocket as I ponder the best way to save the vessel.  

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