Sunday 27 August 2017

Family Guy: Season 8

This series felt like another slow stream of half-baked and instantly released ideas. The main theme of each episode would only be focused upon for half its length if that. It’s almost as if they’re focusing more on their TV cutaways and less on their own characters. The one thing I found quite strange with this series was that people were prepared to act quite stupid for the sense of a comedic situation; as in Back to the Woods. Thank god for Brian’s intervention. Yet just one episode later; this too is disregarded when we delve into the dog’s sexual relations. For me, the most enjoyable episode of this series was Road to Germany. And it’s a shame that Peter’s pirate theme halted halfway through the episode to focus on Chris’s love life; I would have liked to see more pirate antics. Some of the featurettes were just too droll; there seemed no planned antics at the 2008 Comic-Con which unsurprisingly built up zero anticipation within the audience. The office tour also seemed to be drivel; it would have been much more interesting if we saw some of the staff in action.

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