Tuesday 15 August 2017

Return to Lampeter #dreamdiary36

I’m on my way to my school reunion. It’s a long drive and my car’s low on fuel, so rather than taking the shortest route through the windy country roads; I stick to the main roads so that help can be found easily when the inevitable happens. As usual there’s no phone signal but I manage to borrow a mountain bike to complete my journey. As I push my bike through the high street; I recognise the outline of the buildings but their contents have changed. A church has now been gutted out to become a small supermarket. A car dealership ship has been converted into a two-storey bike shop. And a building near the entrance which might have been used for overflowing classrooms (but not in my day) has been ripped up and is surrounded by metal barriers. As I push my bike along the gravel path; I recognise a few faces that were there during my time; making their way home after afternoon lectures; but nobody I knew personally. Oddly, my work colleagues are also here making their way home. I chain my bike up in the cycle park and make my way to the Student Union. 

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