Monday 20 July 2015

Wye Valley Vibe of '85 at The Pelican, Gloucester

This week I happened to be in Gloucester, and after a long meeting I decided to seek some refreshment and grab this week’s Cask Marque scan before heading home. I have always wanted to visit the Pelican owned by Wye Valley as I really enjoy their beers. The walk from town was a lengthy one; though if I had more battery power to look at the route I probably could have found a faster one. I found the pub opposite an upmarket grammar school; but who was I to choose where they put their pubs? The closest entrance was through the yard and in through the back; where I made my way past the traditional display of random knickknacks on the wall and negotiated my way to the bar. There were two unfamiliar beers on the bar; but I went for the Wye Valley monthly special as it was a commemorative beer that might not be brewed again. After being charged a simple pound by an unwelcoming barmaid; I got my Cask Marque done and chilled out back in the yard, where the pub cat hung out with the locals. Though it was a pretty cat; it did not like to be petted; but simply cheered on its actions as it attempted to climb the walls of the pub’s beer garden. Then it got very dark so I began my escape; but not before the heavens opened and I got absolutely soaked on my return.

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