Sunday 12 July 2015

Shared Living

One of the constraints of living in a shared household is of using facilities. I don’t usually have much choice of seating in the living room and am constantly turned out of chairs and rarely have the freedom of what is on television. I usually then have to resort to my own set; which quite often struggles to receive anything owing to the reception area or flickers whenever some other being decides to move. The kitchen is also a problem in the mornings; having to wait for people to move to gain access to simple items such as a bowl to get my day going. Then there is the bathroom which we all seem to want to use at the same time; whether to clean it or to maintain it; without giving proper notice of each other. It really irritates me to have to work my way round other people’s schedule without being told when I am paying for these services; especially with the constant unannounced interruptions and no personal respect or privacy. I need a better place to live.   

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