Thursday 16 July 2015

Ambridge Sticky Dog at the Railway Inn, Studley

Last night’s pub visit started off as a quick drop-in solely to top up the local CAMRA magazine stand. It was an ideal time; the pub was fairly quiet and the diners had just finished. And then I saw a rare feat; one of the local breweries had their new beer perched up upon the bar. Now I had tried this beer before; but it was in bright form and not at its best. As I took my first sip, I struggled hard so as not to down the whole beer down in one. It was gorgeous! Light in colour and very sweet on the tongue, it took sheer willpower to drive myself on and continue with my deliveries. The landlady was very friendly, and I had a very nice chat with her about the cask marque ale trail and the SIBA scheme which allows them to sell a greater choice of beers through Punch. A very enjoyable pit stop for a weary traveller! Details here.

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