Thursday 23 July 2015

Ebbing Away

I am slowly ebbing away. I am really struggling to get everything back on track at the moment. I spend my moments at home absolutely shattered; or just in a state so comfortable that I don’t really want to move. Eventually I just doze off fully clothed and don't retire into bed properly. Every day at work just leaves me physically tired as it is constantly manual labour; picking items; loading items; transporting items and unloading them again only to return and repeat the whole process. I have to rely on a management team who struggle to uphold standards and discipline and seem more concerned with the tasks that are set them rather than to supervise any of their own team. I seem to spend my free time watching old YouTube videos; as even TV has given up on me as far as reception and content goes. I need to find a greater source of energy to get the job done. I need to break free.

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