Wednesday 1 July 2015

The travel chair!

Earlier, as we prepared for all the travelling we had to do today, I explained to my brother it would be much easier if we were just put into a giant push chair which we could fall asleep and just wake up at home. Instead of having to queue in lines to put luggage onto a bus then take it off again to queue to check it onto the plane then queue to go through passport control then queue to get on the plane only to repeat the whole process in reverse upon landing. He thought it was rubbish. Later, as we were queuing for passport control I asked him if this was still a dumb idea; with the fact that in cases of congestion the push chair could be fitted onto a track on the building’s roof, and access would be through a ramp when needed. Identity tracking would be done completely electronically; and for an extra twenty quid you could be wheeled to your door. He only conceded it was worthwhile doing if you had a TV built into your chair. To which I realised; it’s already been dreamt up by Pixar in the film Wal-e. We just need someone to come on board to build it.

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