Sunday 26 July 2015

The Deeger

As I was driving to work in that lovely early hour when the sun was still rising; a strange creature caught my eye. I often spot rabbits, birds, deer, foxes and dead badgers and cats, but I just couldn't work out what this was. What I saw by the side of the road was a deer’s head and neck attached to the body and legs of a brown badger. The creature was trying to cross the road but headed back into the bushes when it saw the car coming. But just what did I see? Some rare glimpse of a new species? A deformed cross-breed escaped from a scientific laboratory out for its first taste of freedom? Or maybe I imagined it in my dozy state. Of course it might be perfectly possible for the badger to be standing in front of of the deer; hiding its face in the grass. What was even odder was that the sun was never seen for the rest of the day and it was completely overcast with drizzle. 

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