Thursday 30 July 2015

My cup of tea's behind door number two

I’m staying in a Travelodge! This morning we were up early and ready for tea but we had ran out of complimentary milk. Our monkey butler volunteered to scuffle over to reception to get some; and took the key card with him. Later we heard clicking at the door and I started to count how many times it took him to take him to open the door with the keycard. But after just one try the noise rattled away; though we did hear a faint knocking nearby. A short time later; there was a knocking on the door. It turned out that monkey butler actually tried the door of three other rooms before knocking on each of the doors; forcing one occupant to lock their door and another to open it while looking confused! Eventually he headed back to reception to ask what room number he was in! This was a man who clearly needed his morning cup of tea.

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