Saturday 25 July 2015

Big Issues on the Radio

It’s the big issues that are being discussed on the radio this morning. As soon as I tuned into BBC Radio Coventry, the importance of prime numbers were being discussed. Meanwhile, over on Radio One, the debate continued as to whether you should put your cutlery face up or face down in the dishwasher. It's fascinating stuff. It seems that these presenters have no interest in the world around them and have inadequate brainpower to form an opinion of current events. Why must we listen to these self absorbed people? Radio used to be entertaining and informative; these latter discussions do little other than to pass the time while the DJ sits in his box and sorts through the next record. It would be great to have a show where people could phone in and have a more meaningful discussion. But all these are hidden underneath the commercial music that drowns out any hope of finding other radio stations. 

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