Tuesday 28 July 2015

CAMRA in Parliament

Over the course of this year’s General Election, there were over 1,100 candidates nationally who supported CAMRA’s beer and pub pledges. On the back of this cross-party support; CAMRA has helped to draft an Early Day Motion to encourage MPs to show just how popular our British pubs can be; and to implement more support to protect and preserve community pubs and the British brewing industry.

In our Summer edition we reported that the EU demanded that the UK government remove the tax exemption in place for small cider makers; making production uneconomical for many producers and force them into closure. CAMRA began a campaign to support small cider makers; and a petition quickly grew in size to over 26,000 signatures which was presented to Downing Street in June. During the July budget announcements; Chancellor George Osborne pledged to keep the tax exemption in place, thereby protecting the British tradition of cider making.   

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