Sunday 5 July 2015

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

So this is it. After nine years of following the adventures of Harry, this is the book that answers all of the questions. In a thrilling tale of both action and reflection, Rowling finally merges the past with the present and ultimately decides the fate of the boy who lives once and for all. This is a very dark tale as Voldermort’s new regime begins to take over and our wizarding trio are still faced with a number of mysteries to solve. The title immediately draws you in, as throughout the series this is the first time that the Hallows has been mentioned; although the instruments have been present from the very beginning. And there is still plenty of conflict between the protagonists who all slowly unite just before the grand finale. It’s not all happy endings; there is a constant throng of woe and suffering caused by Tom Riddle and his Death Eaters. Forget the films; the books make it a lot easier to understand the plotline and are far more enjoyable!

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