Friday 10 July 2015

Hatton Country World

Barely a week back from Kefallonia, and I was treated to another excursion; this time to Hatton Country World. After nearly missing the turning and navigated down a narrow country lane; we soon arrived where a giant peacock hissed us as we approached the entrance. After receiving our wrist bands (the kid’s price was more than the adult), we headed straight for the guniea pig farm ahead of all the school parties. My niece was a bit scared of playing with the animals; but she really enjoyed looking at them and kept asking me to take a picture. We also rode the giant helter skelter together, though it was a bit hard to hold onto her and stay on the sack at the same time; my elbow still has a nice scab. She was a bit nervous when it came to the plastic dinosaurs and was certain that they weren’t real, but was still a
scared to have her photo taken with them. There was also sheep racing which was great fun to watch, as well as welly wanging and a giant inflatable slide for us to slide down. It was a great day out for all the family.

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