We arrive early for our tour. For the first time, we must
arrive at an appointed time, and being on an island and travelling in the
morning we have no concept of the area’s rush hour or whether we get stuck
behind a caravan or tractor. None of this happens, and consequently we arrive half
an hour early. We take in the view of Loch Harport and bask in the smell of the
distillery before it opens its doors. We check into our tour and are invited to
lounge in the bar area, which just looks just like a regular bar only darker
with extra polished wood. We’re also given a rather deluxe pin badge. As well
as merchandise and historical exhibits on display, there’s also bottles of
whisky on display, some of which have aged over 40 years and fetch up to
£4,500. Then our tour commences and our guide invites us to venture into an
adjacent building and climb the stairs to the malthouse.
Thursday, 31 March 2022
Talking about Talisker
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
What happens if your card is declined at a restaurant and you've already eaten the food?
Your best hope is that the vendor is sympathetic and that your negotiating skills are in order! It’s all about how others perceive you and what their judgement of character is like. It might well be a fault with the bank or the restaurant’s card machine rather than yourself. Once you’ve determined who’s at fault, it’s time to come to some kind of arrangement. Perhaps a friend can help you out by coming to your rescue. Or maybe you can leave an object at the restaurant while you pop home to make alternative arrangements. Don’t forget to tip them for their patience. The manager has every right to call the police though. If this happens, the police usually act as a third party to determine whether a crime is being committed or if it’s just an honest mistake. If it’s the latter, the police may be happy to act as an escrow agent until the matter is resolved. Failing all that, I hope you’re good at washing dishes.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Bridge Over the River Sligachan
Monday, 28 March 2022
"If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you're always going to be disappointed."
It would be nice to trust everyone and think that they’re always looking out for you. But sadly this isn’t the case. Who knows what their true opinion is? They might even speak to you as a comfort to dismiss you as politely and as sentimentally as possible. It would be nice to be praised at all times, but sadly this doesn’t happen. There’ll always be someone that criticises you, even if it’s for the minutest of things. Some may not even have heard of you as they’re too absorbed in their own lives. There’s just too many people around to come to a consensual opinion. Instead, you need to take pleasure in the simple things and celebrate when they come to you, especially when there are others who have a great deal less. And if you can share your gains, then society will become a better place for everyone.
Sunday, 27 March 2022
Old Man Torr
It wouldn’t be a trip to the view of the island without
viewing one of the most iconic landmarks. Nestled on a hill is a simple natural
column with a jagged pointy triangular head. It made me think of the Washington
Monument. Because it was getting dark we pulled off the road and viewed it from
the verge but I would have liked to take the time to climb it. There were a
couple of cars parked around us and many people were in the process of
completing their expeditions. A lot of them had sizable rucksacks and bright
plastic coats. I suppose that they weren’t taking part in a hide and seek
competition. Unfortunately, there were few opportunities for me to return for a
go and we’d also have to find a map first. The one that I bought only covered
the southern part of the island where we were staying.
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Doctor Who: Season 13
This short series across multiple moments became very confusing to follow, and there were moments where the characters seemed to change their attributes completely. It’s a shame that the opening episode didn’t emphasise the whole Halloween theme all the way through, though it was fun to see the Sontarans take centre stage again. There’s also a bunch of immortal creatures which have taken abundance, and hopefully The Doctor will get another opportunity to face them again. I liked The Doctor’s ultimate decision to either face up to her past or roll on and discover like the rest of us; though I think a few fans screamed in agony. If Chibnall had been granted another series, then maybe we would have discovered more. The winter special once again featured the same enemy and is getting to be a bit repetitive and it’s a shame that little of it rolled on from the series. It’s as if it was written for a one-time audience rather than for the regular fanbase, and Bishop was underused. It’s also a strange time to be introducing a love interest for the doctor, but fans already know what’s coming and we know that one character is going to e disappointed. I’m very much looking forward to Russell T. Davies taking back the reins.
Friday, 25 March 2022
Mist over Mealt Falls
Thursday, 24 March 2022
Dude, Where's my Car #dreamdiary 128
I’m off to the pub with a few friends. It’s quite a way away so I offer to pick them up and we’ll all drive down together. It’s a bungalow on a raised veranda with a grass space all around it with benches. It’s made of wood and there’s an island bar in the centre. The trouble is that the pub has a ridiculously small car park and it’s full and there’s no spaces on the street either. So I drop them off and drive back to where my nearest friend lives before I can find a space. I park behind another car who’s half-mounted the kerb like the rest of the street to allow the rest of the road to pass. It takes a good fifteen minutes to walk back to the pub and I warn my friends to give me due notice to fetch the car when it’s time to pick them up. But when I return to my car, it’s not there.
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Falling by T.J Newman

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
How do you Like them Apples?
It’s always hard to get hold of a good apple. I usually go for the small ones so that I can have one as part of a snack. It’s healthy and appetising, and it’s very handy as it’s something that I can force myself to eat if I decide to skip breakfast. It takes up less room in my fridge, and they create a smaller mess if they do rot through. The dates aren’t printed on the packets any more which makes you question why they’re in packets in the first place. It’s a shame that they’re not loose so that you can’t examine all sides. You need a fine eye to look for signs of brown. Do you got for the colourful juicy red ones or do pick the green ones in the hope that there’s still time for them to ripen? You’ve just got to hope that they last another five days.
Monday, 21 March 2022
Kilt Rock
Sunday, 20 March 2022
Things to Try
Sex. It’s going to be hard to get though. I need to be more confident in my offer. It’s still a man’s world so most women would probably want me to take the lead and I’d probably be a bit suspicious if an overconfident woman came onto me. So I need to try out a different approach. I’ll probably have more success in an area where I’m not well known so I don’t have to worry too much about my performance being fed back to people I know. Maybe I should stop caring about what others think; especially when it comes down to subjects that I’m not interested in. I’d also like to try different venues and activities. It would be nice if I got to share them with other people but it’s hard to encourage others to be experimental. Maybe I need to find some new people to hang out with. I’ve always wanted to try skiing, but I don’t reside in the best area for it. I am able to travel; but that just adds to my time which becomes difficult when I’ve got other commitments. One day I’ll get there. I’ve just got to bite the bullet, seize the day and jump in rather than hide away. Hopefully there’s still time for me before the opportunity vanishes.
Saturday, 19 March 2022
Single Track Café
Friday, 18 March 2022
Arms and Elbows
She’s short for her age but determined and confident. She loves being a collaborator and in sports she’ll try to captain her team no matter what her position is. Ginger hair and a petite frame gives her speed on the field, while freckles on the nose and brown eyes brings her a plain earthly appearance. Her short brown hair is often left to grow long at the back which is sometimes plaited or put into pigtails. She loves playing with it. She’s a big fan of short shorts, complimented by short white socks and tiny trainers, but in the winter she tends to dress like the boys rather than be feminine. She takes part when she has to and always puts herself forward, but becomes quiet when it comes to casual conversation. She’s aware of what she has to do to stay in everyone’s good books, and she’s never one for mischief.
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Duntulm Castle
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
Perri Kiely's Fun News
The hardest part of getting this feature to work is by
saying the guy’s name. Obviously if you’ve heard his radio show then you’ll
have an idea but for a newcomer like me it was impossible. After trying twice,
I pronounced his surname differently at which point it worked and the device pronounced
it the same way that I said it the first time round. Three facts were read out;
none of which were particularly inspiring. The first fact sounded like a man’s
growth being interrupted by Tom Cruise visiting in a helicopter while shooting
his new film. While that might make the actor liable, it certainly doesn’t
scream fun. The second fact was an F1 fan being mistaken for a gangster and we
don’t really learn how the decision-making process was made. The third one was about
a duck talking which didn’t sound very family friendly. It may just be a slow news
day, but I might not bother with a next time.
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
Circling with Fairies
We arrive at a fog-covered loch. In the distance are
beautiful conical hills covered in grass. In a way, it feels like we’ve walked
into Teletubby land. We find a lay-by and venture out. There’s the odd
marsh with long brown grass and since it’s so wet you can mistake the road for
a river from a distance. The waters are still and move only with the wind. Once
you climb up and gain some height, you can see a waterfall flowing through the
glen. At the top of one of the hills is a stone ruin of a castle. It’s a bit of
a scramble to get there and the path on the ridge is very narrow, but it’s worth
doing. There’s also a stone circle laid out in a spiral which cumulates into a
small pile of muddy rocks. It’s all very mystical and eerie. Currently there’s
no set path, but they may have to build one soon to preserve the area.
Monday, 14 March 2022
You Can't Please Everyone
No what opinion you have, there’ll always be someone that thinks the opposite. It just goes to prove that each human experience is unique. Some might be easily pleased while others would require every aspect of the experience to be great to consider it to be on the same scale. While you might control the experience, people will always relate their experience to another or to another point of their day if there’s no comparison. And while you think you might be standing up for someone, there’ll be others who think that you’re discriminating against them. So how do you treat everyone fairly? I don’t think you can. We are each born into different circumstances so we don’t all start the same. But it’s how we finish is what counts. Will you live a life of luxury while help others at the same time? Will you find every day a struggle? Or will you do the best that you can to help your fellow humankind?
Sunday, 13 March 2022
Plushie Cakes
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Bad Hair Day #empress 11
Zhong dreamed that he was on a boat. He felt that he was sliding across the floor. Suddenly, he felt a sense of weightlessness as if her was flying! He opened his eyes to see a mass of black fur. Not only that, his leg was entangled by it, forcing the rest of him to hang upside-down. It felt like the fur was being uprooted, but what was below him? His body was swaying too fast for his eyes to become fixated on a single object to focus. Eventually he settled on what looked like a large rock in a desert in front of a curvy hill. As his eyes adjusted, he started to realise that his axis was vertical and wondered how far from the ground he was. The rock in front of him seemed to have stopped moving and he was swinging right for it. He reached an arm out to prise his body away from it…only to find that it was soft.
Friday, 11 March 2022
Skye Red at the Old Inn, Carbost
As a meeting of great minds came to pass in the presence of
brochs, it was felt that the experience should be repeated in a pub somewhere and
that we should all get together for a meal. It had to be somewhere with good
beer but also somewhere that did home-cooked food. There weren’t that many
places in the guide, and for some reason we picked on the opposite side of the
island. I insisted on drinking that night but as a compromise I volunteered to
drive to the distillery, which ironically was just down the road from the pub. We
left the car in its car park and headed down the steps and into the cosy inn.
We secured a table stuck at the back with some lovely stone walls. Only one
beer was available but I learnt that a second was on when the rest of our group
Thursday, 10 March 2022
Jack Frost
This family film had far too long a backstory to get through before the main event, which would certainly be off-putting to younger viewers. They might relate to the bullying which could be more of a horror film rather than fun family entertainment. There’s also some serious snowball fights and the kids that take part in them know their stuff. It’s a shame that Charlie didn’t pursue a romantic interest. Keaton’s acting seems as he’s trying too hard when he’s on-screen. The film does have a huge soundtrack which reflects the band but this takes the focus away from the plot which could explain why it appeals to adults more than children. It’s also quite real towards family life. The snowman itself is quite creative, though its eyebrows give it a mean look and chubby appearance. The conclusion isn’t convincing either; although I suppose it does provide a coping mechanism to those who have lost a family member.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Away with the Fairies
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Panic at the Pub! #dreamdiary 127
I’m off to the pub! It’s a country place that mainly serves food, but we just want to sup a pint. We walk into the front room where there is only table service and all the tables are laid out as a restaurant. There’s also no-one there, so we decide to pop outside and walk around to the back bar. We walk through a cavernous metal barn that’s laid out as an amphitheatre. There’s a few people seated at high-raised small tables in the centre of the structure. I’m hoping that we can sit outside the back with a view of the field. As I walk out of the amphitheatre, I find myself standing in a field with the pub behind me, and the entrance to the back bar seems to lie on a footpath around the corner. As I near it, I hear a huge moo and a giant Jersey cow is running towards me. I sprint out of its way, and it carries on past me chasing a giant sponge black and white football with a huge grin on its mouth like a playful puppy.
Monday, 7 March 2022
Dracula by Bram Stoker

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Sunday, 6 March 2022
Why did they pick a Gay Actor for Sheldon Cooper?
Could it be that the producers were gay? Is there a Hollywood Agenda? Probably not, although the question does have a point as many of the hunks that Penny dates are portrayed as brainless or too masculine for their own good which severs the relationship in some way. But if you look at the other actors, I don’t think that it comes down to a matter of sexuality. They had a wealth of people to choose from. What the casters were looking for that could act asexual and not care about the birds and the bees. They needed someone that could always portray themselves as secular without their eyes being drawn to Penny’s neckline. Parsons might not have been a well-known actor as he is now, but he certainly proved to be the best person for the job, having to memorise long speeches while sounding intelligent enough to know what he is talking about.
Saturday, 5 March 2022
Poncing about Portree
Today we headed to Portree which was the largest town on the
island. We found a small car park right next to the coast, and it didn’t take
us long to get a nice view of the harbour. We found a crafts fair in the community
centre and had a quick walk around before following the coastal path out to “The
Lump”. This was a scenic coastal path on a piece of headland. At its tip was a
grass amphitheatre, and there was also a beautiful Victorian stone watchtower
to ascend and explore. We had a wander down to the harbour then decided on fish
and chips for lunch. We had to wait a while for an outside table, but when our
orders were called it was worth it. After a brief supply stock, we just needed
a convenience stop before we headed back to the car. A coach party had formed a
queue, but luckily one of the less mobile members of our group had a radar key
to access the private disabled toilet. Normally, they’d be happy to help the
coach party out, but as they were knocking on the door while she was in there
she decided not to bother.
Friday, 4 March 2022
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
-Theodore Roosevelt.
It’s a shame when things don’t go your way and consequences
arise. But what is worse is if you didn’t put any effort in to prevent it or to
ensure your success. You might spend more regretting that you didn’t attempt
the task rather than giving it a shot. Are there any guarantees that it will be
a total disaster? Is there someone out there that can help ease your woes and
help the process? What’s the worst that could happen and is that scenario
likely to occur? And what would the consequences be if you didn’t make an
attempt? Go on, take some courage, be brave and have a go. It's a great
opportunity to illustrate your independence and it’s better than sitting around
moping. You never know, you might create a success story or the situation may
at least end up being a lot less worse than you envisioned.
Thursday, 3 March 2022
Saucy Mary
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
I got up. I did a test for coronavirus. I had breakfast and made myself a cup of tea. Yesterday I did the same minus the coronavirus test but with the addition of a haircut. All these things sound trivial, but it’s factually what I’ve achieved this week so far. Last week I attended work where I’ve achieved sixteen years of retail experience, and may make it seventeen in nine months’ time. I have a degree tucked away somewhere in English, though its merit may have deteriorated over the years. I’m a loved uncle. I have my own car and good health, though a not so good physique. I have completed an indoor skydive and have a video and certificate to prove it. I have a good knowledge of computers and hold a practical qualification to prove my knowledge that I can use certain software. I have friends but most of them have faded away and it’s time to look for new ones. But I can’t help but think that I should have achieved more than this by now. Still, there’s always time. I just need to put the effort in.