Sunday 20 March 2022

Things to Try

Sex. It’s going to be hard to get though. I need to be more confident in my offer. It’s still a man’s world so most women would probably want me to take the lead and I’d probably be a bit suspicious if an overconfident woman came onto me. So I need to try out a different approach. I’ll probably have more success in an area where I’m not well known so I don’t have to worry too much about my performance being fed back to people I know. Maybe I should stop caring about what others think; especially when it comes down to subjects that I’m not interested in. I’d also like to try different venues and activities. It would be nice if I got to share them with other people but it’s hard to encourage others to be experimental. Maybe I need to find some new people to hang out with. I’ve always wanted to try skiing, but I don’t reside in the best area for it. I am able to travel; but that just adds to my time which becomes difficult when I’ve got other commitments. One day I’ll get there. I’ve just got to bite the bullet, seize the day and jump in rather than hide away. Hopefully there’s still time for me before the opportunity vanishes. 

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