Wednesday 2 March 2022


I got up. I did a test for coronavirus. I had breakfast and made myself a cup of tea. Yesterday I did the same minus the coronavirus test but with the addition of a haircut. All these things sound trivial, but it’s factually what I’ve achieved this week so far. Last week I attended work where I’ve achieved sixteen years of retail experience, and may make it seventeen in nine months’ time. I have a degree tucked away somewhere in English, though its merit may have deteriorated over the years. I’m a loved uncle. I have my own car and good health, though a not so good physique. I have completed an indoor skydive and have a video and certificate to prove it. I have a good knowledge of computers and hold a practical qualification to prove my knowledge that I can use certain software. I have friends but most of them have faded away and it’s time to look for new ones. But I can’t help but think that I should have achieved more than this by now. Still, there’s always time. I just need to put the effort in.

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