Tuesday 1 March 2022

I can see a Rainbow

Before heading back, we pulled over to look at the Glenelg War Memorial. Set against the backdrop of Kyle Rhea, this statue of an angel shielding soldiers was in a stunning location. As we looked towards the water, we saw the hills covered in cloud while a rainbow floated over the shore. Our plan to get back home was to hitch a lift on the ferry. Unfortunately, being in a remote area, we couldn’t get access to the internet to see if they were still in operation because of the previous day’s weather. This meant a round trip back across the main road; though the time flew by as we were enjoying the lovely scenery. We climbed the old military road and we stopped for another photo opportunity at Ratagan Pass which had a view of Loch Duich with five sister peaks in the distance. Once we’d returned to our village, we were eager for another walk to stretch our legs before retiring for the evening. 

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