Friday 4 March 2022

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."

 -Theodore Roosevelt.

It’s a shame when things don’t go your way and consequences arise. But what is worse is if you didn’t put any effort in to prevent it or to ensure your success. You might spend more regretting that you didn’t attempt the task rather than giving it a shot. Are there any guarantees that it will be a total disaster? Is there someone out there that can help ease your woes and help the process? What’s the worst that could happen and is that scenario likely to occur? And what would the consequences be if you didn’t make an attempt? Go on, take some courage, be brave and have a go. It's a great opportunity to illustrate your independence and it’s better than sitting around moping. You never know, you might create a success story or the situation may at least end up being a lot less worse than you envisioned.

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