Saturday 26 March 2022

Doctor Who: Season 13

This short series across multiple moments became very confusing to follow, and there were moments where the characters seemed to change their attributes completely. It’s a shame that the opening episode didn’t emphasise the whole Halloween theme all the way through, though it was fun to see the Sontarans take centre stage again. There’s also a bunch of immortal creatures which have taken abundance, and hopefully The Doctor will get another opportunity to face them again. I liked The Doctor’s ultimate decision to either face up to her past or roll on and discover like the rest of us; though I think a few fans screamed in agony. If Chibnall had been granted another series, then maybe we would have discovered more. The winter special once again featured the same enemy and is getting to be a bit repetitive and it’s a shame that little of it rolled on from the series. It’s as if it was written for a one-time audience rather than for the regular fanbase, and Bishop was underused. It’s also a strange time to be introducing a love interest for the doctor, but fans already know what’s coming and we know that one character is going to e disappointed. I’m very much looking forward to Russell T. Davies taking back the reins. 

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