Wednesday 16 March 2022

Perri Kiely's Fun News

The hardest part of getting this feature to work is by saying the guy’s name. Obviously if you’ve heard his radio show then you’ll have an idea but for a newcomer like me it was impossible. After trying twice, I pronounced his surname differently at which point it worked and the device pronounced it the same way that I said it the first time round. Three facts were read out; none of which were particularly inspiring. The first fact sounded like a man’s growth being interrupted by Tom Cruise visiting in a helicopter while shooting his new film. While that might make the actor liable, it certainly doesn’t scream fun. The second fact was an F1 fan being mistaken for a gangster and we don’t really learn how the decision-making process was made. The third one was about a duck talking which didn’t sound very family friendly. It may just be a slow news day, but I might not bother with a next time.

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