Monday 14 March 2022

You Can't Please Everyone

No what opinion you have, there’ll always be someone that thinks the opposite. It just goes to prove that each human experience is unique. Some might be easily pleased while others would require every aspect of the experience to be great to consider it to be on the same scale. While you might control the experience, people will always relate their experience to another or to another point of their day if there’s no comparison. And while you think you might be standing up for someone, there’ll be others who think that you’re discriminating against them. So how do you treat everyone fairly? I don’t think you can. We are each born into different circumstances so we don’t all start the same. But it’s how we finish is what counts. Will you live a life of luxury while help others at the same time? Will you find every day a struggle? Or will you do the best that you can to help your fellow humankind?

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