Sunday 13 March 2022

Plushie Cakes

The plan was to have a meal together. We didn’t book since it was a weekday night in September in an isolated country pub. Luckily, we managed to get the last table. We ordered drinks then settled down to wait. Our guests arrived half an hour late then inform us that they’d already eaten. That was a bit annoying. If we had known, we could have gone ahead and ordered and could have finished our meal just as they arrived. But to be sociable, they did order a side plate to share then decided to join in dessert. But while we shared recommendations of places to visit and bakeries to try, we also learnt about a dedicated social media group devoted entirely to plushies. Amazingly, this dominated the conversation, and despite knowing them the longest, I couldn’t think of much else to bring to the table. At least the journey back to the cottage wasn’t too bad. 

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