Thursday 17 March 2022

Duntulm Castle

Our next destination was to the north of the island. We parked on a roadside corner next to a gate opposite a catering van. Crossing the gate, we continued cliffside up the hill until we reached the castle ruins. A small cairn marked the castle remains, and it wasn’t difficult to pass over the fence to climb onto the ruins themselves, although there are wooden fences to stop people from venturing towards the cliff’s edge. We got some splendid views of the surrounding island which looked like a giant hippo sleeping in the water. I had no idea whether the tide was in or out so I didn’t have a clue if we were experiencing the best view. It was good to stroll down the hill for a fort-side view of the castle too. It’s amazing how the cliff-face and the surrounding grass and moss look like steps and blocks. It would be good fun to come up in the spring to see the rabbits run around the warrens here. 

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