Monday 21 March 2022

Kilt Rock

Our next destination was on the east coast of the island. The car park was closed for maintenance so we parked on the verge and made our way on foot. There were some foreign visitors who didn’t understand the safety aspect of these barriers and decided to move them themselves so that they could use the car park, but little did they realise that they were on CCTV. Beyond the car park was a bridle gate and from there we journeyed to the cliff’s edge to a metal barrier where, if we stuck our neck out far enough, we could see a waterfall make its way over the edge and into the sea. In the distance is a straight edge of sandstone, and the different shades in the rock makes it look almost kilt-like. It would have been much more impressive if we had visited it by boat as the focus would be based more on the cliffs than the rocks. 

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