Friday 25 March 2022

Mist over Mealt Falls

Even though it was early evening, night was approaching. We’d had a windy and cloudy day and it gets dark early in these parts. As we were on the cliffs, we could feel the wind travelling inland unimpeded. As we turned towards the hills, we watched the clouds descend from the hilltops onto the land. There was a slim layer of sunlight sandwiched between the two and the mist was that thick that it was as if the hills were covered in snow. You could even argue that the mist was purifying the land as the air was so fresh. If we had been in a city it would have been an evil, smoky mist. Even though we were wrapped up well and we were watching from the outskirts, I read to think how cold the air and water was when covered over in the mist. We decided not to hang about too long for fear of facing both dusk and fog. 

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