Thursday 31 March 2022

Talking about Talisker

We arrive early for our tour. For the first time, we must arrive at an appointed time, and being on an island and travelling in the morning we have no concept of the area’s rush hour or whether we get stuck behind a caravan or tractor. None of this happens, and consequently we arrive half an hour early. We take in the view of Loch Harport and bask in the smell of the distillery before it opens its doors. We check into our tour and are invited to lounge in the bar area, which just looks just like a regular bar only darker with extra polished wood. We’re also given a rather deluxe pin badge. As well as merchandise and historical exhibits on display, there’s also bottles of whisky on display, some of which have aged over 40 years and fetch up to £4,500. Then our tour commences and our guide invites us to venture into an adjacent building and climb the stairs to the malthouse.


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