Tuesday 22 March 2022

How do you Like them Apples?

It’s always hard to get hold of a good apple. I usually go for the small ones so that I can have one as part of a snack. It’s healthy and appetising, and it’s very handy as it’s something that I can force myself to eat if I decide to skip breakfast. It takes up less room in my fridge, and they create a smaller mess if they do rot through. The dates aren’t printed on the packets any more which makes you question why they’re in packets in the first place. It’s a shame that they’re not loose so that you can’t examine all sides. You need a fine eye to look for signs of brown. Do you got for the colourful juicy red ones or do pick the green ones in the hope that there’s still time for them to ripen? You’ve just got to hope that they last another five days. 

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