Monday 28 February 2022

Perks of a Pouch

This is a great blend of coffee with just the right amount of ingredients sealed in to make a perfect cup of joe. There’s a variety of interesting flavours, and some of them are hard to find at times. You’ve got to keep your eye on the prices and only buy them when you know you’re getting a good deal. There’s an art to making it too. You must get the temperature of the water just right before pouring it into the mug. As you can’t really program a kettle to raise the water to your desired temperature, I boil it then let it cool for a minute or two before pouring. But do they expect us to use a thermometer? As it’s dried milk, I add a bit of real milk to make it creamier which also helps to cool it down faster. And even though it’s sugar in it because of the syrup, I still add some more. The result is a real rush that keeps you perked for the rest of the day.

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