Sunday 6 February 2022

The Larkins

It took me ages to work out what everyone was talking about before I realised that they were referring to The Darling Buds of May. I vaguely recall the original series where a farmer and his family would be featured and that it billed a cast in their early career that have since gone on to achieve great things. I’ve got no idea how close this new series resembles the original plot or whether there’s new antics involved, but Ma and Mariette are spitting images of the original cast. Much mischief is made by this somewhat carefree large family; though they do express their concern about the bigger issues and always finds a method to preserve what’s under threat through their love of life to others. The villagers face threats similar to any village of today with a reduction of services and overdevelopment, but they rise to the challenge in a comical manner. I do think that the antics of the children are a bit unrealistic, though I love a corrupt vicar. Roll on the Christmas Special!

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