Sunday 27 February 2022

Glenelg Brochs

Our picnic spot for the day was to be a pair of Brochs. We had no idea what to expect other than two towers in the middle of a field and I’m amazed that the sat-nav managed to find it. We managed to squeeze into a passing point and climbed up the hill to the tower. It was quite impressive and as it was an unmanned site we could explore and climb over it to our heart’s content. We’d taken some impressive shots of the valley and we were just settling down to some food when two other people approached us. Of all the places to bump into my Birmingham friends, the odds of it happening in rural Scotland was pretty slim but it happened. We even worked out that there was a brewery across the road, though it looked like no-one was onsite. After checking out the second tower, I got a message to say they’d called into the local shop and found the beers on sale there alongside some excellent local produce. It would have been rude not to.


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