Thursday 10 February 2022

My Hardest Sacrifice

It’s choice. There’s just too much out there. I need to plan and I need to be honest with myself and decide. Who do I spend my time with? Who should I be dedicated to? When should I spend time on myself? The way that it’s going, I end up like a headless chicken as I’m trying to get around everywhere at once. But the problem is that physically, I’m not. Instead of facing up to my tasks, I sit there indecisively trying to decide on what I should focus on first. Too much time is spent thinking and not enough is spent doing. Sometimes the enormity of the tasks puts me off from starting any of them until it’s too late and I attempt the closest one and do it half-arsed so there’s still time to focus on the other activities. I like giving up my time to spend it with others as I feel that’s sociable but there’s seldom any compromise in return. I need to stand up for myself more and be honest with myself and if that means that I have to let others down then so be it. This path isn’t working so I need to find my own. I shouldn’t have to give up the things that I want to do, but I need to find the time to complete them.

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