Friday 18 February 2022

Seeking out the View

There’s some magnificent views about of the city lately. We’re teased on social media by colourful shots of buildings both by day and by night. The photos really want to make you get out there and find them. But these views don’t exist for the human eye no matter how close you get to these buildings. The only way that they’re accessible is by drone. It’s a new perspective that you just can’t see unless you can levitate or pilot a vehicle that flies. If you’re really lucky you might gain access to an adjacent building and be able to climb up for a view by sticking your head out the window or walk onto the roof or balcony. Otherwise, you’re doomed to wander round the building’s grounds in the hope that you’re not followed by security guards trying to thwart your mission. And if you still can’t spot the viewpoint then the chances are that it’s been photoshopped.

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