Wednesday 2 February 2022

Yorkshire Lass

If you’re looking for a definition of a free spirit, this girl has it all. She’s short and slim and a natural dirty blonde, with cute freckles on her nose and an oval face. She prefers the outdoor life to being an inside glamour girl, and has the energy to get where she wants to be. You’re more likely to find her wearing wellingtons and a thick jumper rather than a dress. From an early age, she’s had an interest in falconry, and for a while she pursued horticultural interests until she couldn’t spare the time to maintain her allotment. She’s competitive and likes to keep up with the boys, especially when she has three brothers. She also knows how to work people and when she can take advantage of them, whether it’s people at home or people that she works with. She’s also not prepared to answer back to people who have been let down by her. 

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