Friday 11 February 2022

Out of Pedal Power

My journey took me across the river Feshie where I stopped to take a picture of this beautiful river lined with trees. I carried on through an assortment of graded hills which propelled me both up and down until I joined a main road with a cycle path into Aviemore. I arrived quicker than Google anticipated and discovered that there wasn’t much that I could do on my own without locking my bike up. I looked on the map and thought about checking out Loch Morlich but the road didn’t feel very cycle friendly so I didn’t want to risk it. Instead, I decided to head back early. As I was approaching the last mile, a horrible creaking sound occurred and I lost all power in my pedals. I pulled over and found that my chain had disappeared; indeed it was behind me on the hill. I attempted to clip it together but it was too dented for me to form a loop. 

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